Stress Management

Stress is something that many individuals face as they navigate the demands of a busy schedule. When undermanaged, stress can take a serious toll on one's mental, physical, and emotional well-being. There are a variety of strategies and skills that can be used to better understand where stress comes from and how it can be managed. At The Growth and Wellness Therapy Centre, we have a diverse range of clinicians on our team who are ready to help you get started!

What is Stress?

Stress is how our mind and body respond to the challenges we face. While stress is a natural reaction to difficult situations, it can also be a sign that we may be taking on too much or our needs are not being met. Stress symptoms may show on mental, physical, and emotional levels. Part of stress management is being aware of these signs and developing the necessary skills to overcome them.

On a mental level, stress may manifest as difficulty concentrating, trouble sleeping, and brain fog. Over time, these symptoms can have a serious impact on one’s daily functioning. Similarly, physical symptoms can interfere including muscle tension, headaches, and upset stomach. Stress also includes emotional symptoms such as anxiety, irritability, and depression. When left unmanaged, these symptoms can become more severe and even debilitating at times.

Types of Therapy and Support

There are a variety of therapeutic approaches and supports that can assist with stress management. There is a large body of empirical research that suggests Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) as an effective approach for the development of coping strategies for stress management. If psychotherapy does not feel like the right fit for you, life coaching is an alternative option that focuses on building life skills and resilience. Other great treatment options include massage therapy, reiki, and yoga to manage both mental and physical stress symptoms. The best treatment plan is ultimately based on your personal needs and preferences. At the Growth and Wellness Therapy Centre, we offer a variety of services for stress management:

Working with a Clinician

There are many clinicians on our team who can support you in developing stress management skills. Working with a clinician means having someone at your side to provide support and guidance as you explore the sources of stress in your life and how to address them. At The Growth and Wellness Therapy Centre, we have a diverse team of practitioners who are ready to work with you and provide treatment that suits your needs.