Community Involvement
The Growth & Wellness Therapy Centre was founded on the idea of creating a supportive community for our clients and clinicians. As we grow we find more and more ways to be involved with and give back to our local communities. We encourage you to view some of the programs and projects we’ve been involved with below, and consider getting involved yourself!
For more information about any of these projects please feel free to reach out to our office or the respective organizations below. If you have opportunities with your community event that could use the support of GWTC we’d also welcome you to reach out!
Current Initiatives
We are supporting Miranda Vlietstra, MSc Student, Department of Anthropology University of Toronto, in her research study titled “Isolation, Technological Hybridity, and Chronic illness after the COVID-19 Pandemic.” She will be attending and participating in a special research round of our popular Coping with Chronic Pain and Illness Support Group on alternating weeks to the regular group, which will allow us to support and promote the experiences and narratives of the chronic illness community. This research project will run from March until August 2025.
We’re currently accepting donations on behalf of the Abiona Centre for women and children. Abiona Centre* is a client-centered infant and early childhood mental health organization which supports pregnant and parenting adolescents, aged 13-25 and their babies who reside at the Centre or in the community. We’re collecting toys for children 0-3, gift cards, and beauty and body items (hair care, face masks, nail kits, etc) for moms. We will be collecting items until March 2025!
As a woman-owned business we maintain membership in the Women’s and Non-Binary Person’s Chamber of Commerce, with a portion of our annual membership fee going towards Dress for Success Canada. Dress for Success Canada empowers women to achieve economic independence by providing a network of support, professional attire, and development tools.
Previous Initiatives
We’re once again collecting donations of new toys for the Toy Drive at Yonge Street Mission! Their annual Toy Market collects new and unopened toys for children aged 0 to 13 in the community. Your toy donations can be dropped off to us in office before December 11th, and we’ll coordinate to get them all to YSM in time for the holidays.
In Spring 2024 we took part in the Sidewalk Sensation Event on Bayview, introducing ourselves to our new neighbours at our new building! We had craft supplies to make glitter jars to help those that stopped by learn how to practicing their breathing and grounding with a fun (and messy!) craft time!
Yonge Street Mission is an organization we’ve been connected with for a while, and this year we’re choosing to give back by participating in their annual Toy Market to collect new and unopened toys for children aged 0 to 13 in the community. Your toy donations can be dropped off to us in office before Friday December 8th, and we’ll coordinate to get them all to YSM in time for the holidays.
The Toronto Drop-In Network (TDIN) is an active member-based coalition of 59 organizations that run at least 56 diverse drop-in centres across the city of Toronto. Their members work with people who are homeless, marginally housed, or socially isolated, including men, women, transgender and non-binary people, youth and seniors. For Winter 2023 our office will be hosting a Winter Coat Drive to collect new or gently used coats, mits, hoodies, boots and more. Donations can be dropped off before December 15th and we will coordinate to drop them off to TDIN.