Meet Ashley DeSouza - Reflecting that Therapy Can be Fun, Messy and Rewarding


This profile was originally published in our January 2021 Newsletter which can be read here.

Could you tell us more about your work/interest in disordered eating?

Eating Disorders have the highest mortality rate of all mental health disorders, and cause significant pain to all those involved. I began my interest in disordered eating work while doing an internship in an Adolescent Eating Disorder inpatient unit. These adolescents ranged from 12 to 17 years old, and had already been through most ED programs available (which is not many). I left that internship feeling burnt out and desperate to learn more about ED's, prevention and intervention that is effective and collective.

What are your favourite ways to maintain your health and wellbeing?

I like reading (currently reading the new Obama Memoir), watching movies and spending time with my family. I dabble in Do It Yourself crafts with my crafting machine, and also enjoy painting.

Tell us about your background and what led you to join Growth & Wellness?

After completing my undergraduate degree in psychology, with a focus on child and family studies, I moved on to certification in Disorders and Mental Health counselling. From there, I worked in Concurrent Disorders, providing case management for people living with — mental health challenges in the homelessness community. At that stage, I felt like I was hitting a ceiling, and so I decided to go back to school for my Masters in Social Work, where I could learn more about Social Equity and advocacy as well as expand on my counselling skills. As psychotherapy has always been my first love, and Growth & Wellness is built with a love of learning and knowledge, it felt like a natural fit.

What modalities influence your therapy practice?

I come from a CBT background, but truly enjoy using an eclectic approach pulling from Emotion-Focused Therapy, Dialectical Behavioural Therapy, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.

What areas or approaches are you passionate about?

I am passionate about working with people with the desire for self-exploration and self-awareness. Whether they come through my door with a problem, or just curious about the nature of therapy, I am excited to model what therapy realistically can look like: fun, messy, and rewarding.