Meet Tiina - Massage Therapist and Outdoor Adventurer


This profile was originally published in our September 2020 Newsletter which can be read here.

Tell us about your journey into Massage Therapy

From a young age, I always wanted to help others and make them feel better. When I was in university studying Kinesiology I went to an information session about Massage Therapy. Sitting in that seminar, I was able to go through my mental checklist of everything that I wanted out of a career, and check everything off. A few months after completing my Kinesiology degree, I found myself starting a new program at Sutherland-Chan School of Massage Therapy. At the same time that I was starting to build up my practice, I was offered a position as a TA at Sutherland-Chan, and soon after was made a full instructor. In 2019, I joined the Humber College Faculty as a professor in the Health Sciences and Wellness department, teaching in their Massage Therapy program. I continue to split my time between treating and teaching. I love it and couldn’t picture myself doing anything else!

What are some benefits of Massage Therapy?

A massage can benefit people in so many different ways. It can help alleviate tension brought on by stress, improve range of motion and reduce scar tissue adhesions after an injury or surgery, and help the body adjust to changes both during and after pregnancy (…just to name a few!). Regular treatments are also great as a preventative measure, to help mitigate future injuries.

What are the most common treatments you utilise?

My treatments incorporate a range of modalities, stemming from General Swedish Techniques. The key point to remember is that the client drives the appointment. After a brief intake, a plan is established for the treatment. including areas of focus and any modifications based on health conditions or preferences. The massage can be performed directly on the skin, or over clothing, depending on the client’s preference, and pressure can always be modified. The intake is a great time for the client to express what they’d like to achieve out of the massage, and then we plan together accordingly.

What are your favourite ways to maintain your health and wellbeing?

When I’m not working, I love to be outdoors. This summer I have spent a lot of time on the water, canoeing and kayaking (I finally mastered a roll in my kayak!). In the winter I love to ski! To balance my work and activities, I make sure to take some “me” time every so often to hang out at home, watch movies, and spend time with my two cats.