Intentions instead of resolutions: How to mindfully set intentions to bring you into the new year
At the beginning of a new year, we are often met with questions of what our new years resolutions are as well as the often heard “new year, new me,” anecdote. Although these phrases work for some, some others are left feeling a sense of pressure to reinvent themselves, or that something major has to change.
Our wonderful Toni Lui, MSW RSW, offers us a shift in perspective. Instead of resolutions, which imply there is something to be resolved, what if we focused on intentions and what we intend to bring into our lives?
Here are some steps that Toni laid out for us, in order to help be more mindful of the intentions we set for ourselves, and how to go about doing so.
1 - Reflect
Think about the past year. What were some highlights? What were some low points? How did the year change you?
2 - Notice
What thoughts, feelings, or sensations come up as you reflect on the last year? Avoid criticizing or passing judgement. Just notice them as they are and stay curious.
3 - Reset
Now it t's time to clear the clutter of your mind. Take a walk, a warm bath, a mindfulness meditation, or another activity to stay focused on the present moment
4 - Set an Intention
Reaffirm your purpose. Who do you want to be? What do you want to let go of? What do you want to take with you into the new year?
5 - Initiate
What is one step that you can take today to get you closer to who you want to be this year? Once you reach this step, take another. Remind yourself that the process means more than the outcome. Be proud that you decided to take that one small step no matter the outcome.
About the Author
Toni Lui, MSW RSW, is a Registered Social Worker at the Growth & Wellness Therapy Centre offering individual and couples therapy.