Meet Sarah - Supporting Maternal Mental Health


This profile was originally published in our November 2019 Monthly Newsletter which can be read here

Why did you become a Psychotherapist and what interests you most in this field of work?

I've always had an interest in understanding why people do the things they do. It's an honour and privilege to have someone allow me to help them explore their inner world and experiences. I strive to really hear my clients; not just the words they are saying but the feelings behind them. I genuinely care for my clients. Empathy has always come naturally for me, and I can't see myself doing anything else.

Do you have a special interest area that you support your clients with?

Yes, anxiety and depression have always been an interest of mine - so many of us struggle with either or both, and I want to normalize this experience. Rarely are we taught as children how to manage and regulate our emotions. Instead we may be shamed or even punished for experiencing normal human emotions. I want to create a space for clients where they are allowed to have these feelings (however they may present themselves) and let my client know that I am right there beside them. Your feelings are your feelings and they are valid and deserve attention.

I also feel strongly that new mothers face an unbelievable  amount of judgement and pressure, at a time when they need compassion and care. I love helping new parents navigate the transition to parenthood, with all it's joys and difficulties. Maternal mental health and well-being deserves much more attention and recognition than there currently is.

What works for you to take care of yourself or unwind?

I'd love to say I follow a strict regimen of yoga and meditation, but like many moms, I struggle to find that time for myself. One of my favorite times of the day is late evening when all is (finally) quiet and I can spend some time with my husband. We are both horror movies fans, so, ironically I watch scary movies to unwind. I also can't get enough of early morning cuddles when my son climbs into bed with us. Although I love my sleep, I will always be happy to be woken up for cuddles!

Sarah is welcoming new clients. Contact us to book an appointment now, or visit her full profile here.