Meet Joen - Supporting Clients Where They Are At


This interview was originally published in our November 2020 newsletter which can be found here.

How do your experiences working in South Korea and in a remote Northern community in Canada inform your current practice and life outlook?

I believe that each of these experiences have added a greater depth and softness of heart in how I can ‘be’ with each individual that I meet. There is something truly special about 'doing life' immersed in a different culture or community. My time in South Korea and the Northwest Territories have allowed me to appreciate the beautifully multifaceted nature of a person’s culture and unique experiences. I learned the value of being curious and open, while witnessing the relationships that could take shape by having the heart to engage, discover, and share. What I have learned, I carry in my counselling practice and life overall. I am grateful for these experiences that have taught me to listen and love in new and transforming ways.

Where did your interest in therapy come from?

My interest in therapy developed as I discovered my passion for creating a space in which people felt heard and valued. Throughout the various positions I have had, I was always drawn to the aspect of my role that involved connecting with each individual, no matter how brief the interaction. Working at a counselling centre in South Korea became a significant part of my journey, as I felt such an alignment to this field and became motivated to pursue my Masters in Social Work. I feel so privileged to now be able to journey with clients here at The Growth & Wellness Therapy Centre. 

Do you have a regular wellness practice that promotes balance in your life?

I appreciate a space for reflection. Walks in nature allow me to take deep breaths, while engaging with what I see, hear, and feel. I am rejuvenated when embraced by the changing colours of the leaves, the symphony of birds and rustling trees, the steady trickle of a nearby stream, and the stillness of the morning. It is in noticing the ever changing, yet rhythmical ways of our world that I am reminded to simply be present in the small moments that make up our lives. Writing in my journal provides a continued space in which to remember these passing moments, bringing about greater insight into my experiences and gratitude.

Joen is currently accepting new clients for individual therapy appointments - you can learn more by visiting her profile here!

Andreia De Freitas