Meet Jessica - Equine and Play Therapy


This profile was originally published in our February 2021 Newsletter which can be found here

You have experience in animal assisted therapy, could you tell us a bit more about what sparked interest in this area?

I have been a passionate animal lover my whole life, and when I started my career in social work, I was naturally drawn to animal assisted therapies. Animals bring a unique perspective into the therapeutic process; they are free from judgment or bias of any kind and can provide a very safe, comforting presence. It’s still a relatively new and emerging field of practice that would benefit from further research, however there is a growing collection of evidence that supports the therapeutic value of animal assisted therapies. I am not currently offering any animal assisted therapies with the Growth and Wellness Therapy Centre, but hope to be able to do so in the future!

What are your favourite ways to maintain your health and wellbeing?

Nature, mindfulness and animals my three go-tos! Especially during the pandemic, keeping myself committed to spending time outside every single day - even when its freezing! - has been a really important part of my self-care routine. Practicing meditation and gratitude daily has become essential for me over the past couple of years, and I find it helps me to stay connected with myself and to focus my energy on the parts of my life that are within my control. And last but certainly not least, I do my best to fill my days with as many four-legged creatures as I can because there is nothing like time spent with a furry friend to perk me up!

What modalities influence your therapy practice?

My approach is eclectic and I draw on a variety of modalities, but my practice is most strongly rooted in a relational, client-centered approach. I also draw on narrative therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, and mindfulness-based interventions.

Andreia De Freitas