Our goal is to create a safe and supportive environment to help both clients and practitioners grow to their full potential.


The Growth and Wellness Therapy Centre is a health and wellness centre focused on providing mental and physical health related services to individuals, groups and families across Ontario. Our therapists provide services for clients in office, in the community and online so that no matter where you reside you’re able to get the support you need.

We’re pleased to let you know have fully resumed in office appointments at our new location at 1670 Bayview Avenue, Suite 502!


Our team members have experience working with a variety of topics and challenges, and can support you with whatever is going on for you including the following:



Meet Our Team

Great therapy requires a great connection. Take a look at the therapists that work with us and we’re sure you’ll find someone you’ll feel good about.


What We Offer

Are you dealing with physical, mental, spiritual or emotional pain? We can help. Check out our services to explore the options we offer.



Upcoming Events and Workshops at GWTC



Articles and Tips

Looking to meet our team members or learn information and strategies to support yourself? We’ll share information and tips here to support the growth of your own wellness.

If there’s any content you’d like to know more about feel free to reach out to us to let us know!