Meet Kelsey - Supporting Parents and Young Adults

This profile was originally published in our December 2021 Newsletter.

What made you want to become a social worker?

I have personally struggled with my own mental health which led me to therapy, so this career path is deeply personal to me. I began university with the intention of pursuing a career in law. However, during my university years I was faced with difficult circumstances, which led me to explore my own path towards healing. Through this journey, I began volunteering in the community mental health field, working in youth shelters and supporting folks experiencing difficulties in accessing basic needs. During this time, I also focused on my own healing by creating balance and connection in my life through intentional self care practices.

My personal self work combined with giving back to my community, helped me to reconnect with my deep passion for supporting others. It was a natural shift for me to pursue a career in social work, as I have always loved helping others to live their best life and realize their potential.

Do you have a specialty or population that you focus on?

Yes, my specialty is working with young professionals experiencing difficulties related to depression, anxiety, self-esteem, work-life balance, juggling roles, and navigating through life transitions. Young professionals are facing particularly difficult situations as they enter the work force and become more independent. Young adults are in a life stage where they are figuring out who they are, navigating relationships, faced with peer pressures and impacted by social media, career changes, and decisions that will impact the future. I have a passion for helping young adults navigate this difficult period. 

What is your favourite go-to winter activity?

My favourite go-to winter activity is spending time with my family snowboarding. I find that snowboarding helps me to centre my mind and strengthen my body during the cold winter months. I also enjoy going for hikes and long walks over the winter months to continue to connect with nature and find balance in my life.

Do you have a regular wellness practice that promotes balance in your life?

Absolutely! I have always loved being in nature and find it very relaxing and healing. I find it important to make time to go on daily walks (usually with my dog) to connect with nature in an intentional way. It is a priority for me to go on canoe trips in the summer months and regular hikes over the year. These practices allow me to create balance in my life and take a moment away from all the hustle and bustle.

I also am very passionate and connected to music and make time to listen to music or go to live concerts. These practices help me to decompress and create space for pleasure in my life.

I find that being active and listening to music helps me to feel physically energized as well as reduces my stress levels. These practices help me to feel more balanced in my life and allow me to be more present and level headed when faced with difficulties or stressors.

I also am very intentional about using Self Compassion practices when I am faced with stressful life challenges. I intentionally practice being warm, caring, and supportive to myself.  This mindset is like being a good friend to myself when I am struggling by asking myself “what do I need right now” and validating the pain that I may be suffering. Self Compassion is all about treating the self with warmth and kindness from a supportive stance. What I love about Self Compassion is the focus on the desire to alleviate suffering with kindness to the self and through recognizing that everyone is imperfect and leads an imperfect life. The core concepts of Self Compassion are common humanity, kindness and mindfulness. Self Compassion allows me to recognize that I am not alone and that suffering is a normal part of being a human being. It allows me to take a stance of interconnectedness through recognizing that we are all in this together. Self Compassion allows me to quiet my inner critic and meet difficulties with compassion and tenderness. Through compassion I am able to take action to alleviate suffering in order to lead a healthier and happier life. Self compassion focuses on embracing pain with love to reduce suffering.

Additionally, practicing mindfulness is very helpful for me to stay present with what is occurring right now in the moment. I encourage myself to not ignore or avoid difficult emotions, but rather be aware of emotions coming up and give space to these emotions so that I can nurture each emotion and practice love and kindness towards myself.

Interested in learning more about Kelsey? Visit her profile here, and then email us to book your free consult!

Andreia De Freitas